A Very Random Five for Friday

Friday 24 July 2015

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching today for Five for Friday. Here's a quick (and very random) recap of my week!

I joined Periscope this week and am slightly addicted already. I've learned so much already from watching other teachers' scopes and am loving the sense of community on there. I already put my learning to use and spruced up my blog button using Amy Lemons' Periscope tutorial! So simple but it makes a huge difference! When I first joined I had no intentions of doing a scope, but I might do one eventually...maybe an outdoor one to share some of my island with other teachers. Well, once I get braver. Ha! Are you on Periscope? What do you think of it so far?

I am on vacation in the U.S. now! Here is an island picture taken from the airplane. I love the view from up in the air! I have been making trips to the U.S. each year since I was a kid and even though I love where I live, I always look forward to the time away. There is very limited shopping on my island, especially for teachers. No Walmart, no Target, no Dollar Tree, no IKEA... Do you want me to keep going? I have been drooling over pictures of other teacher's hauls on Instagram and on blogs for the last few months so I'm super excited to hit the stores! Hopefully, I will have some cute finds to share on Instagram and my blog soon!

Before I left for my vacation, I picked out some new glasses! Here is a picture of me trying them on at the clinic. I took a million and one selfies in different pairs to send to my sisters for a second opinion and this pair was the winner. I have not had a new pair of glasses in over 5 years since I wear contacts pretty much all the time. But it was long overdue. My old glasses were falling apart and the prescription was obviously super old. The style of glasses has changed so much in the past several years, so I'm going to have to get used to seeing myself in these. 

I saw this cute little area when I was getting my new glasses. Isn't that awesome? It's actually two bookshelves that are joined and painted to look like a book. There are some books on the shelves so I guess it's some sort of promotional thing from the nearby book store or possibly a donation area.

This is definitely the weirdest, most random thing you will ever see on this blog. My dad sent me a video last night of one of his friends boating to a nearby island with his goat. I took a screenshot of the video because it is just that unbelievable. A goat in a boat. Totally sounds like the next verse in "Down by the Bay." ;) And just in case you're wondering, yes, the goat was loving it!

Thanks for stopping by! Head back to Doodle Bugs Teaching to read more Five for Friday posts and join in on the fun!


  1. Haha, I'm totally going to add that verse to "Down By the Bay" from now on! I'll look for your on Periscope too:) I just started and am very addicted already!
    School Days Simplified

    1. It really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? haha. Thanks! I will look for you on there too!

  2. What a cute goat in a boat. What's the story behind him? Did the goat just want to go for a ride? Was the friend taking him to see a vet or something?

    Love the "Down By the Bay" reference-- one of my favorite kid songs!

    My Bright Blue House

    1. Well, the island that he was coming is the smallest of the three, so I'm pretty sure he was the only goat there. The owner travels back and forth between the two islands so he could have been taking the goat along with him for the trip or maybe even selling her to someone. No vet on the island, so it definitely wasn't that. Based on the video I watched, the goat definitely seems used to being out on the water though! haha. Definitely a sight I never thought I would see.


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