Five for Friday... on a Sunday!

Sunday 6 September 2015
Well, hello! I've neglected this little blog for the last few weeks because of all the back to school madness, but I'm one week in and hoping to get back to blogging more regularly. Today I'm linking up for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching - a little late, but better late than never. I was really hoping to link up with Blog Hoppin' for Teacher Week but it was also the first week of school, so that just did not happen. I am still putting the finishing touches on my classroom, so I'm not ready to do a full reveal yet, but this post will feature a few sneak peeks. :)

On the first day of school, we talked about lunchroom behaviour and procedures, and my class completed Teacher Idea Factory's awesome lunchbox craft. This response by one of my sweet girls really brought a smile to my face. "I will walk in the lunchroom and eat with Ms. Kristi." First day of school and she already wants to eat lunch with me! I'd say that's a good sign! :)

My first day of school was also amazing for another reason - I sold my first TPT product! And then yesterday, I got an email saying I had sold my second paid product! I uploaded both products a few weeks ago and really didn't expect them to sell so fast. Obviously, I am not making very much from this, but it still feels incredible to know that others are using my creations in their classrooms.

I am really loving my new class! The second day of school, they surprised me when they started hanging their backpacks on the hooks as soon as they walked into our classroom. I really thought I would have to remind them! They are super eager to please and are rocking and rolling with all the routines I've introduced to them so far. Could not have asked for a better start to the school year!

This week was also super crazy because we had Back to School Night on Thursday. I used Vickie Plant's wonderful all about the teacher freebie to share some information about myself with parents and used Learning in Wonderland's editable flip book as my main handout. I love how they both turned out! 

I also introduced Daily 5 this week and we are working on building our stamina for Read to Self. I have been using A Year of Many Firsts Reading Expert unit and my kids had a blast with this sorting activity from the unit! They got to act out the scenarios on each card and decide whether each kid was ready to be reading expert. This really helped to hammer in the expectations for Read to Self and made a super cute display in my reading corner!

Well, that was my first week in a nutshell! Wishing you all a wonderful week! So jealous of all the American teachers right now - I wish we had a long weekend at the beginning of the school year! Our next national holiday is in November, so I will have to wait patiently until then. :) 

Be sure to head on back to Doodle Bugs Teaching to link up and check out the other Five Friday posts!


  1. Your classroom is so cute!! You made my day when I saw my flip book :-) Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thank you so much! Your flip book is awesome! Love your stuff! I have a teacher toolbox with your labels too. :)


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