Must Have Monday and Monday Made It

Monday 20 July 2015
Hey everyone! I was planning on linking up with Tara Eiken over at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It, but then I saw that the ladies of Freebielicious were doing a linky too. So this is going to be one of those kill two birds with one stone posts. Is that allowed? I hope so. :) I'm still new to blogging so I might not have all the rules down just yet.

My must have classroom item is a teacher toolbox! For years, I've seen teacher toolboxes on Pinterest and really wanted one of my own. Organization does not come naturally to me and after I got rid of my teacher desk, I knew I needed a better way to organize my supplies. I finally ordered one from Amazon and labeled it using Learning in Wonderland's adorable labels. They are editable so I was able to customize the labels to fit my needs. I used mod podge to attach and seal the labels and I love how colorful they are. I've heard taping labels to the inside can cause them to look faded and the tape comes off easily. So far the mod podge is holding up, so I'm glad I went with that option. 

I am in love with how my teacher toolbox turned out and I know it will help me to stay organized this year. I think it's definitely a must have in the classroom for teachers who are looking for a way to organize supplies and have them at their fingertips! 

What do you think of teacher toolboxes? Do you use one in your classroom? 


  1. I have a similar teacher toolbox in my classroom! I loveddd having it last year-- it made a big difference with my desk organization!

    Years That Ask Questions

    1. Good to know! I'm hoping it will be as helpful for me! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. You will be so organized now. Good work!

    My Bright Blue House

    1. Yes, that's what I'm hoping for! Thanks! :)

  3. Hi Patricia! Are you viewing on your phone or on a computer? I am on my computer and they are all loading just fine for me. Maybe it could be your internet browser or connection?

    Teaching in the Tropics


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